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1. Software Dependencies

  1. At a minimum you need to be running the Debian 3.0 (Woody) distribution from . Older versions of Debian do not provide an adequate sendmail package (they lack the libmilter API).
  2. Obviously, sendmail needs to be installed on your system.
  3. As mentioned in the abstract, you will have to obtain your own antiviral engine from an independent vendor.
  4. The " file" package.
  5. The " arc" utility. It is not available as a Debian package. You can obtain the source code for this program at .
  6. The " bzip2" package.
  7. The " lha" package.
  8. The " unarj" package.
  9. The " unrar" package.
  10. The " zoo" package.
  11. You may need to install a few perl modules. The required modules are

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