1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Copyright 2012-2014 Rackspace US, Inc.
4: *
5: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8: *
9: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10: *
11: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15: * limitations under the License.
16: */
18: namespace OpenCloud\Database\Resource;
20: use OpenCloud\Common\Http\Message\Formatter;
21: use OpenCloud\Common\Lang;
22: use OpenCloud\Common\Exceptions;
23: use OpenCloud\Common\Resource\NovaResource;
24: use OpenCloud\Compute\Resource\Flavor;
25: use OpenCloud\Database\Service;
27: /**
28: * Instance represents an instance of DbService, similar to a Server in a
29: * Compute service
30: */
31: class Instance extends NovaResource
32: {
33: public $id;
34: public $name;
35: public $status;
36: public $links;
37: public $hostname;
38: public $volume;
39: public $created;
40: public $updated;
41: public $flavor;
43: protected static $json_name = 'instance';
44: protected static $url_resource = 'instances';
46: private $_databases; // used to Create databases simultaneously
47: private $_users; // used to Create users simultaneously
49: /**
50: * Creates a new instance object
51: *
52: * This could use the default constructor, but we want to make sure that
53: * the volume attribute is an object.
54: *
55: * @param \OpenCloud\DbService $service the DbService object associated
56: * with this
57: * @param mixed $info the ID or array of info for the object
58: */
59: public function __construct(Service $service, $info = null)
60: {
61: $this->volume = new \stdClass;
63: return parent::__construct($service, $info);
64: }
66: /**
67: * Updates a database instance (not permitted)
68: *
69: * Update() is not supported by database instances; thus, this always
70: * throws an exception.
71: *
72: * @throws InstanceUpdateError always
73: */
74: public function update($params = array())
75: {
76: return $this->noUpdate();
77: }
79: /**
80: * Restarts the database instance
81: *
82: * @api
83: * @returns \OpenCloud\HttpResponse
84: */
85: public function restart()
86: {
87: return $this->action($this->restartJson());
88: }
90: /**
91: * Resizes the database instance (sets RAM)
92: *
93: * @api
94: * @param \OpenCloud\Compute\Flavor $flavor a flavor object
95: * @returns \OpenCloud\HttpResponse
96: */
97: public function resize(Flavor $flavor)
98: {
99: return $this->action($this->resizeJson($flavor->id));
100: }
102: /**
103: * Resizes the volume associated with the database instance (disk space)
104: *
105: * @api
106: * @param integer $newvolumesize the size of the new volume, in gigabytes
107: * @return \OpenCloud\HttpResponse
108: */
109: public function resizeVolume($newvolumesize)
110: {
111: return $this->action($this->resizeVolumeJson($newvolumesize));
112: }
114: /**
115: * Enables the root user for the instance
116: *
117: * @api
118: * @return User the root user, including name and password
119: * @throws InstanceError if HTTP response is not Success
120: */
121: public function enableRootUser()
122: {
123: $response = $this->getClient()->post($this->getUrl('root'))->send();
124: $body = Formatter::decode($response);
126: return (isset($body->user)) ? new User($this, $body->user) : false;
127: }
129: /**
130: * Returns TRUE if the root user is enabled
131: *
132: * @api
133: * @return boolean TRUE if the root user is enabled; FALSE otherwise
134: * @throws InstanceError if HTTP status is not Success
135: */
136: public function isRootEnabled()
137: {
138: $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->url('root'))->send();
139: $body = Formatter::decode($response);
141: return !empty($body->rootEnabled);
142: }
144: /**
145: * Returns a new Database object
146: *
147: * @param string $name the database name
148: * @return Database
149: */
150: public function database($name = '')
151: {
152: return new Database($this, $name);
153: }
155: /**
156: * Returns a new User object
157: *
158: * @param string $name the user name
159: * @param array $databases a simple array of database names
160: * @return User
161: */
162: public function user($name = '', $databases = array())
163: {
164: return new User($this, $name, $databases);
165: }
167: /**
168: * Returns a Collection of all databases in the instance
169: *
170: * @return OpenCloud\Common\Collection\PaginatedIterator
171: */
172: public function databaseList()
173: {
174: return $this->getService()->resourceList('Database', $this->getUrl('databases'), $this);
175: }
177: /**
178: * Returns a Collection of all users in the instance
179: *
180: * @return OpenCloud\Common\Collection\PaginatedIterator
181: */
182: public function userList()
183: {
184: return $this->getService()->resourceList('User', $this->getUrl('users'), $this);
185: }
187: /**
188: * Generates the JSON string for Create()
189: *
190: * @return \stdClass
191: */
192: protected function createJson()
193: {
194: if (empty($this->flavor) || !is_object($this->flavor)) {
195: throw new Exceptions\InstanceFlavorError(
196: Lang::translate('The `flavor` attribute is required and must be a Flavor object')
197: );
198: }
200: if (!isset($this->name)) {
201: throw new Exceptions\InstanceError(
202: Lang::translate('Instance name is required')
203: );
204: }
206: return (object) array(
207: 'instance' => (object) array(
208: 'flavorRef' => $this->flavor->links[0]->href,
209: 'name' => $this->name,
210: 'volume' => $this->volume
211: )
212: );
213: }
215: /**
216: * Generates the JSON object for Restart
217: */
218: private function restartJson()
219: {
220: return (object) array('restart' => new \stdClass);
221: }
223: /**
224: * Generates the JSON object for Resize
225: */
226: private function resizeJson($flavorRef)
227: {
228: return (object) array(
229: 'resize' => (object) array('flavorRef' => $flavorRef)
230: );
231: }
233: /**
234: * Generates the JSON object for ResizeVolume
235: */
236: private function resizeVolumeJson($size)
237: {
238: return (object) array(
239: 'resize' => (object) array(
240: 'volume' => (object) array('size' => $size)
241: )
242: );
243: }
244: }